AMR – AGV for any type of application:
- AGV – AMR mouse type, bidirectional, omnidirectional or rotational.
- Tractors for indoor and outdoor applications
- Pallet truck type for moving loads at floor level
- Electric stacket for handling loads up to 5 meters
- Reach pallet mover up to 11 meters hight.
- Bilateral or trilateral for narrow aisles applications of 1.5 meters height.
- Stainless steel finishes, clean areas, with special requirements depending on the application.
Different vehicles architectures
- Vehicles specially designed according to project specifications
- Hybrid AMRs based in standard vehicles
- Possibility of mixed use, being able to combine the use as a conventional vehicle or as antomatic AMR – AGV.
- Unidirectional, bidirectional, rotational and omnidirectional configurations.
Our differentiation
- Use of market components from the main brands as SIEMENS, SICK, LEUZE, WENGLOR…, making and easy and simple the maintenance of our systems.
- Our solutions are adapted to the requirements of the project, making the necessary changes to the AMR vehicles
- All our AGVs follow the ISO 3691-4 safety normative, integrating a Safety PLC
- We follow the VDA5050 directive regarding the definition of trajectories and traffic control.
- Our AMRs are integrated with third party Traffic Control Systems such as SIMOVE from SIEMENS.
- We allow customers and partners who wish to make modifications and changes to the installation, providing the necessary tools and training
The right navigation system depending for each application
- Contour, MAPPING, SLAM
- Magnetic FREE CURVE, following a magnetic tape or strip on the ground, without the need to draw curves.
- Optical, following a contrast created by a line on the ground.
- Inductive, by detecting a magnetic field in the ground.
- By magnetic points, free navigation with references by magnetic pins.
- Laser, laser triangulation with reflectors.
- GPS for guidance in outdoor applications.
- Hybrid (combination of various navigation systems in the same vehicle).
Maximum productivity
- Applications working 24/7 with battery change or automatic charging.
- Systems from 1 to more than 100 vehicles.
- More than 1.000 AMRs in all types of applications.
Traffic Control System
- Traffic Control System designed in WEB with easy configuration for quick start-up.
- Simulation Module to program our systems off line
- Designed in compliance with the VDA5050 directive.
- Possible to add Warehouse management Module
- Easy communication with ERP’s, WMS, robotic cells and all type of systems.
- Possibility of integrating different type of AMRs in the same installation.
- Prepared and designed to make changes and modifications easily.
_demonstrative videos
Reach Truch Pallet AGV for automatic warehouse
Automatic unstacking of containers.
AGV – AMR bidirectional mouse with SLAM Mapping navigation
Bilateral narrow aisle with pallet movers
AGV – AMR with chain conveyor
10Tn tractor double navigaton system for indoor and outdoor
AGV – AMR omnidirectional
_some of our references
PSA, SEAT, VW Navarra, SAS Automotive, AIRBUS, FERRER, MONDELEZ, BBRAUN, Cadena Barcelò, Cadena Hotusa, Cadena Santos, CLECE, Clínica Fiact, Clínica Sanitas, Clínico de Barcelona, Codorniu, Concesionaria Madrid Puerta de Hierro, Denso, EL Corte Inglés, Eurofragance, Fagor, Germans Boada, Hospital Campus Salud de Granada, Hospital Carlos Haya, Hospital Central de Asturias, Hospital de Bellvitge, Hospital de Vic, Hospital Dr. Negrín, Hospital Edgardo Rebagliati (Perú-Lima), Hospital General de Burgos, Hospital Germans Tries i Pujol, Hospital Infanta Sofía, Hospital Insular, Hospital La Paz, Hospital Lucus Augusti, Hospital Puerta de Hierro, Hospital Ramón y Cajal, Hospital Rio Hortega, Hospital San Juan de Dios, Hospital Son Dureta, Hospital Sousa Martins (Portugal-Guarda), Hospital Virgen Macarena, Hotel Alfonso XIII, Hotel Mandarín, Hotel Vela, Joyería Suïssa (Andorra), Media Markt, Mercedes-Benz, Novartis, Nuevo Hospital de Burgos, Palex Medical, Paradores Nacionales, Peguform, Quirón, Residencias Caritas, SEAT, SRG Global, Temic, Torre Sacyr, Twin Towers (Portugal-Lisboa), Verdifresh – Alnut.